Types of cerebral palsy

The types of cerebral palsy are classified by the abnormality location, symptoms and the gravity of the situation.


Hemiplegia is on of the types of cerebral palsy which is characterized by a normal intelligence. Seizures are common in this type of cerebral palsy. Hemiplegia involves arm, leg and one hand disorders. Children may present scoliosis and shorter leg or arm. Walking on tiptoe is characteristic for children affected by hemiplegia.


Like in the first case. Intelligence is not affected. This type of cerebral palsy involves a scissor movement of the arms. Legs are the most affected but this type of cerebral palsy affect the face and the arms too. Walker and leg braces are sometimes a necessity.


Quadriplegia is the worst form of cerebral palsy because the main part of the brain is affected. Children with this type of cerebral palsy present present difficulty in walking and also malformations of the brain. Stiffness and seizures are very common in quadriplegia.

Dyskinetic cerebral palsy

Although intelligence is affected in very few cases, serious problems appear in what concerns speeching and movements of the muscles. Walking or sitting upright are difficult. Hands, arms, feet or legs present twisting movements that can not be controlled.

Ataxic cerebral palsy

Ataxic cerebral palsy children have perception and balance disorders. Tremor is very common in ataxic cerebral palsy . This on of the types of cerebral palsy in which children have problems in coordinating and sometimes even writing is difficult for them. Sometimes tremor is very serious ad increases as you reach for an object.

Mixed types

Children with mixed types of cerebral palsy does not fit in any type described above. They present mixed symptoms and they are difficult to treat. Sometimes cases of mixed types of cerebral palsy are very serious.
In many cases besides cerebral palsy there are others disorders. Other problems are mental retardation, seizures, slow development, hearing and vision disorders, incontinence, drooling or abnormal perception.
Mental retardation is very often seen in people with cerebral palsy. It is very common in quadriplegia.

Seizures are also common in cerebral palsy. Slow development is a very serious problem. Muscles may not develop normally and this fact may have serious consequences on the child’s health. Muscles and members are smaller than it should be. Sexual development may be affected and short stature is often seen in this people. Spinal deformities can provoqe serious pain. Sometimes the back pain is almost unbearable.

Strabismus is very often seen in people with cerebral palsy. Parents should take care of this aspect and go with their kids to the doctor. If you don’t treat your’s child strabismus he can even lose vision. Hemianopia may appear in children suffering from hemiparesis. Speech disorders and hearing loss are also very common in children with cerebral palsy. Another problem that may appear is drooling. This thing may isolate the affected kid from others kids. Drooling is caused because of the poor control of the muscles and sometimes it can cause skin irritation. Closed bladder may be caused by incontinence. Perception and sensation may be modified.