Friday, 7 January 2011

Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is a non-hereditary result of early brain lesions responsible for motor deficits exclusive or predominant.
Cerebral palsy is linked to brain damage occurred in the antenatal or perinatal period. Specific disorders of higher functions may be associated (perceptual disturbances, sensory disturbances).
The incidence of this disease has changed little over the past 10 years, despite the stricter monitoring of pregnancies and perinatal care (since 1970) and the decrease of prematurity.

Cerebral palsy symptoms

The warning signs are often reported by parents. Listening carefully to parents and close monitoring of children at risk should lead to early diagnosis.
The first cerebral palsy symptoms are: a child who does not keep his head, who can crawl with the help of the lower limbs, who was slow to sit alone, who uses only one hand.

Cerebral palsy attorney

Cerebral palsy attorney represent a group of people specialized in kids with cerebral palsy. They help parents with information in order to see if cerebral palsy was caused in the delivery.

Cerebral palsy children

Unfortunately cerebral palsy children increased in the last years. Even though two kids have cerebral palsy they act differently and have different symptoms. It depends on the proportion of the brain damage. Cerebral palsy children can be caused during pregnancy in the delivery nut also after delivery. There are some factors that may favor cerebral palsy like head wounds.If your child have cerebral palsy is well to help him as much as possible, to go to specialists who can really offer them moral but also pshysical support. You should also try to to give them foods that make available for the organism a lot of vitamins. Vision and hearing may also be affected.

Athetoid cerebral palsy

Athetoid cerebral palsy is one of the five cerebral palsy types. It is a severe case because it affects the entire body. Children with athetoid cerebral palsy have muscles problems, they find difficult to walk or to seat by themselves and they also have problems eating or drinking.

Cerebral palsy therapy

Cerebral palsy therapy involves a physical therapy in order to help the affected muscles but also a drug therapy. The purpose of cerebral palsy therapy is to develop the children skills so he can eat move without help.

Cerebral palsy treatment

Physical therapy (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, electrotherapy) is fundamental. The devices and orthopedic surgery are very important to quickly obtain results.
The speech therapy and the anti-epileptic drugs are also essential in cerebral palsy treatment.
The digestive and nutritional problems should be detected. Children are often hypotrophic because of their feeding difficulties. The diet should be enriched with vitamin D, iron and folic acid. Patient should drink a lot.
Respiratory disorders are associated with respiratory muscle weakness and choking. Treatment involves chest physiotherapy, aerosol and antibiotics in case of superinfection.

All the usual vaccinations should be performed. Dental care should not be forgotten.
The behavior in the family is sometimes difficult. The assistance of a physician or psychologist is often necessary.
Disabled children must be treated by other members of his family in the most natural way possible. The morale of the child depends on the parents attitude.

Cerebral palsy life expectancy

Cerebral palsy life expectancy is different from person to person. It depends on the therapy and treatment but also on the severity of the case. Cerebral life expectancy is around 60 if the child has a mild form of cerebral palsy. If he has a severe form the cerebral life expectancy is around 30 years.

Cerebral palsy causes

Monitoring of pregnancy and childbirth are the best guarantee of a healthy child. Among cerebral palsy causes there are: infections, brain wounds, trauma, prematurity birth or metabolic disease.

Cerebral palsy surgery

Extreme rigidity and spasticity require a cerebral palsy surgery. Cerebral palsy surgery is an option in cases of high malnutrition reflux, respiratory repeated incidents, anemia or esophagitis.

Types of cerebral palsy

There are five main types of cerebral palsy: hemiplegia, displegia, quadriplegia, diskinetic and ataxic. There is also mixed cerebral palsy. The most serious case of cerebral palsy is quadriplegia. In displegia the lower limbs are more affected then the upper limbs.

In hemiplegia it is affected one side of the body. Diskinetic cerebral palsy means that kids have difficulty walking and speaking. This type of cerebral palsy does not affects the intelligence. Ataxic form affects the balance of the child.

Cerebral palsy diagnosis

In order to have a cerebral palsy diagnose, physical and neurological examinations are required. Then the doctor will perform others tests like magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and computerized tomography.

Cerebral palsy diet

Cerebral palsy diet require foods reach in vitamin D, folic acid, calcium, potassium. Kids should drink plenty of milk and water and should consume fresh fruits and vegetables.

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