Often cerebral palsy surgery is performed every time spasticity and rigidity are very intense. It is very important to improve how your walk-up. A more upright with up transitions and softer placement of the feet is the main goal of young adults and many children.
Too short muscles and tendons can be lengthened by the surgeons. The first step is to detect the muscle who caused the abnormalities. This process is not so simple.
Muscles imbalances can be compensated by adjustments made by the body. In reality this compensation may represent the problem. Science and technology developed a lot in the past few years so that in nowadays, doctors perform the gait analysis in order to detect the guilty muscle. In the past doctors have to find the involved muscle based on observation, clinical examination and measurement of spasticity and motion of the muscle.
The new diagnostic technique consists in recording the walk of an individual, the muscles activity. It has a program that detects the muscles which provoke the abnormality.
This analysis also helps the doctor to know how much the gait will improve.
Previously, orthopedic surgeons prefer to perform all operations at the same time, usually between 7 - 10 years. In present surgeries can be performed very simple and the patient can return in the same day at home. Usually kids recover quickly and they get back their normal life in almost a week. The best age to solve spasticity is 2 - 4 years old . Moreover, the proper time to perform operation in order to lengthen the Achilles tendon or hamstrings is 7-8 years old. Doctor will fix the proper day to perform surgery in order to achieve the best results. This day is depending on the age and abilities but also abnormalities of the kid.