Friday, 7 January 2011

Cerebral palsy treatment

It is very important to learn to control your kid disability because their adult life may be normal. This disease may only be kept under control and not cured. When we talk about a treatment we don’t refer to one therapist. Cerebral palsy treatment implies a groups of specialists. An efficient cerebral palsy treatment requires the help of the parents too. It is best to start cerebral palsy treatment immediately after you know the diagnose because in this way your kid may have the chance of having a normal life. A correct cerebral palsy treatment implies physical therapy which deals with muscles, speech therapy, occupational therapy which deals with the usual activities like school or dressing, medication therapy in order to diminish pain and behaviour therapy. Surgery is performed in cases of tight muscles. In severe cases wheelchairs are needed. The specialists team is headed by a chief who is the pediatric pshychiatrist. He is the one who presents the plan of cerebral palsy treatment to the rest of the team and makes sure that cerebral palsy treatment is followed correctly. Treatment requires an orthopedist who treats tendons, muscles and bones.

Family support is very important and represets a big part of the cerebral treatment. Emotional counseling plays an important role in the life of the patient especially in the adolescence. Exercises are extremely important because there is no longer a proportion between muscles and bones like in normal kids. This happens because of the muscles spasticity. This exercises diminuate the possibility of contractures which is so common in cerebral palsy. In the treatment center, parents are advised in order to manage this problem. Their patience and power of understanding are essential.

Occupational therapy is one of the most important therapies because is dealing with daily activities. Activities like toileting alone, eating or dressing are improved.

Hippotherapy is a recreational therapy which proved to be very helpful. Language therapy is also important because it helps kids having a normal conversation. When a child can not pronounce a character doctor give him a list of similar words . There are cases when patients suffer of malnutrion to because of their mouth muscles problems. In this case feeding is possible by using a tube. Drooling is another problem of cerebral palsy patients. They can take anticholinergic drugs but they may have some adverse reactions like urinary retention, dry mouth or constipation.

In the last few years a new therapy developed. Dolphin therapy proved to be very efficient in cerebral palsy treatment. In order to obtain any results this therapy must last for at least 2 weeks.The patient must see the dolphin which is a very intelligent animal. The patient is establishing a a connection with the dolphin. This therapy improves the kid disabilities but does not cure cerebral palsy.

In what concerns surgery, doctor must choose the proper type of surgery in order to avoid the possible side effects. Injections with botox are very used because patient can go home immediately after the intervention and is only taking a few minute.

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